Taneytown baptist church


february 2025

Because He Lives

          As a pastor in a new place you have a lot to learn (and even after a while, you still do!). One of the first things that I learned at TBC was the way the service ended. When Pastor Les was leading here, the service would end with the chorus of “Because He Lives”. We still do. It’s a great reminder of the hope that we have and why we have it. When Pastor Les passed away, Marcia was looking for hymns for his service and obviously this one came up. But it’s a specific verse of this beloved hymn that really got to her and has stuck with me for days…

“And then one day,

I’ll cross the river, 

I’ll fight life’s final war with pain.

And then as death

Gives way to victory, 

I’ll see the lights of glory and I’ll know He lives!”

Sing it with me…

“Because He lives, 

I can face tomorrow.

Because He lives, 

All fear is gone.

Because I know

He holds the future.

And life is worth the living just because He lives!”

In His Service,

Pastor Jared

Youth is continuing with the Full Circle curriculum and will move into a unit on defending our faith.

 Youth is continuing with the Full Circle curriculum and are moving into the Prayer-Care-Share model that Jesus demonstrates in the Bible. They will begin to learn about how to show God's love by caring for others.

Kids Club is pushing through earning their badges. They have started their science lab lessons and also learning how to work together.

Children’s church will be learning the attributes of God. Preschool will be learning how God is in control. 


Current Sermon Series: 1 & 2 Peter: Letters from a Hard-Headed Man

Next Sermon Series: Jesus’ Prayer For Us

(The services are also streamed on-line on Facebook at Taneytown Baptist Church at 10:30 a.m.)


Monday, February 10th 7 p.m.

The business meeting will be held in the sanctuary with safety measures in place. Masks are required if you are not vaccinated. Please come out, help plan and vote for the best course of action for your church. If you have an article that you would like included in the business meeting package, please email it to the church office no later than noon on Monday, February 10th.


Want to praise the Lord in song on Sunday mornings? If so, you are invited to join TBC’s choir. They will be meeting every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. See Marcia Edwards for more information or sign up on the bulletin board.

Volunteers Needed for the Nursery & Children’s Church

Children’s Church is held during the Sunday morning worship service and is for children age 4 through Grade 5. Children will go into the worship service and then get dismissed before the sermon.

We also have a toddler nursery for kids 18mo to 3yrs and an infant nursery for kids birth to 18mo.

February List

Date Infant Nursery Toddler Nursery Children’s Church

2nd Sandy G Nancy M Robin F & Linda J

9th Liz M Sarah P Becky & Adam M & Maggie U

16th Linda J Sheri B & Barbara B Lynn & Mark W

23rd Rachel S Kathy L Sarah P

Current Small Groups

“Luke” Led by Maggie Utz

Sandy Green will be leading the study.

Meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 1 p.m.

Adult Bible Study Led by Pastor Jared

Meets on Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall

god’s promise

Written by Vi Roop

Our Father hears us, when we pray,

It doesn’t matter what time of day.

His waiting for our pleading call,

And ready to pick us up when we fall!

So don’t give up, when times are bad,

Now if you do, you will be sad.

Keep dreaming your dreams and living right,

Because only God can make your future bright.

Then hold fast to your dreams,

For if they should die,

Your life will be like a broken winged bird

That never again will fly!

The Lord is ready to help in time of need,

Did not the Father say, Jesus would intercede.

You won’t go wrong if in God we trust,

He will always do what’s best for us.

OWLS Gathering

Today at TBC we had our Annual OWLS' Birthday celebration!

This is always a very special day and today didn't disappoint! After a delicious and very generous pot luck lunch we were treated to an hour of incredible entertainment by the one and only Derek Reed! He is such a kind, humble and very talented young man. Today was his third time entertaining us at our OWLS gatherings. After Derek sang Happy Birthday to us we enjoyed birthday cake, ice cream and root beer floats! Door Prizes and our group photo completed our day. 

Till next time, Blessings, Nancy

Tithe / Offering - How Can I Give?

A question often comes up from both old and new church members on how to give and what and where does my giving go for.

Biblically we are required to give or tithe. The word tithe means “tenth.”

The Bible says that tithing was a central part of God's law in the Old Testament, but the New Testament does not command or recommend a legalistic tithe system for Christians: 

Old Testament 

Leviticus 27:30: "A tenth of the produce of the land, whether grain or fruit, is the Lord's, and is holy" 

Numbers 18:26: "Speak to the Levites and say to them: 'When you receive from the Israelites the tithe I give you as your inheritance, you must present a tenth of that tithe as the Lord's offering'" 

The tithe was a way to recognize God's provision and to prevent class warfare and unequal taxes 

New Testament 

1 Corinthians 16:2: "As he may prosper" 

2 Corinthians 8:3: "According to their means" 

2 Corinthians 9:7: "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver" 

The New Testament does not designate a percentage of income to set aside, but instead says gifts should be "in keeping with income" 

The Bible also says that giving is important because it: 

  1. Puts love for God before love for money 

  2. Supports the church in spreading the Gospel and teaching the Bible 

  3. Shows appreciation for God.

Throughout the Old Testament, Israelites were expected to give 10 percent of their resources to God. That tithe or “tenth part” was a requirement of the law. And that's already a little misleading, because when you factor in all of their required giving, Israelites actually gave around 23 percent of their income.

So, how can I give? You can give your TIME, TALENT and RESOURCES to further the work of the church. 

Giving your TIME to help in the nursery, be a teacher, help with the kids and youth programs. Serve on committees and other behind the scenes work done in the church.

Give your TALENTS by singing in the choir, playing an instrument or offering your skills in maintaining the church property and various needs that the church needs to carry out the work of reaching others, doing the work that Christ commanded.

Giving your RESOURCES. Well, here is what happens and the various ways that your TITHES go and how you designate what they are to be used for.

  1. REGULAR Sunday Offering. This is where you main giving “Tithe” should go as this is what keeps the church operating and what the church budget is based on. It pays the salaries, operating expenses and the churches tithe to the BCMD and Mid-Maryland Baptist Association.

  2. BUILDING FUND – This is for new construction and expanding the church facilities. Recent expenditures from this fund went to pay for the new pavilion and playground.

  3. Other funds were designated for a short-term expense that was not budgeted for such as the ROOF Fund to help pay for a new roof. The CARPET fund to help pay for new carpeting.

  4. DEACON Fund - This fund is used exclusively by the deacons and is entirely under the deacons’ control. This fund is used to help members of the church and community who face a short-term problem. This includes buying food, help with paying rent or utilities. Sudden expenses that may be deemed an emergency that will help an individual or family get back on their feet. Whatever the circumstances the deacons pay the bill BUT never give cash. Requests for help can be submitted to the deacons and pastor for consideration.

One last thought on RESOURCE giving. Did you know that if you are required to take a RMD, (Required Minimum Distribution) from an IRA type account you can make arrangement with your financial advisor to transfer the RMD directly to TBC and avoid paying taxes

Bill Derr

Deacon Chair

Secret Sisters’ had their reveal gathering. We look forward to another year of pampering each other and being a support system for each other!


Each month we will be collecting:

Small Canned Fruit for Carroll County Food Sunday

Place items in the collection box in the vestibule.

Free Community Meals for Adults

Every Thursday - 9:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

38 W. Baltimore Street

Rear Parking Lot

Also Bags of Food!!!

February March

3rd - Pauline B 4th - Noah D

8th - Linda J 4th - Corra B

21st - Stephanie S 5th - John C

23rd - Nancy G 6th - Emily D

24th - Levi M 7th - Terry P

27th - George S 9th - Tim M

13th - Norma C

14th - Judy D

17th - Amy S

18th - Jill M

21st - Betty K


February March

11th - Philip & Rita B 3rd - Joe & Amy S

10th - Taiwan & Fatima K

14th - Tom & Leigh C

16th - Conard & Pauline B

See our events page for the church calendar!