Purpose & Vision


We exist to raise up disciples who live Kingdom-Centered lives: A life that is captured by and yielded to King Jesus in all aspects of life as evidenced in four ways:

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Community: Strengthening the community of believers across generations by enjoying and fostering Christ-honoring fellowship, accountability, encouragement, and fun! Also, offering together out of the overflow of gratitude of our hearts, worship; not exclusively in word and song, but in living life as an offering for the glory of God in Christ.


Service: Seeking to meet the needs of others where they have need as a means of representing to the lost how Jesus has met our great need for salvation and as a means of modeling Christian humility to other believers by seeking their good over our own.


Spiritual Discipline: A continually deepening personal relationship with Jesus that is genuine and life-changing. This is evidenced in a growing hunger for Scripture, a developing habit of prayer, a passion for understanding one’s faith, and an application of Truth in everyday life.


Evangelism: The developed habit of making much of Jesus and proclaiming the Gospel in our conversations and with our actions, in the presence of everyone we might come into contact with, as well as making the effort to go out of our way to bring the gospel to those who haven’t heard or haven’t received.

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